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We are the Voeller family from San Antonio, TX. Jim and Amy (dad and mom), Shannon, Emily, Daniel and Molly. The Lord blessed us as young children with the opportunity to learn musical instruments. Sometimes we talk about what in the world we'd be doing had this gift not been given to us. And we also wonder about all the children out there who may have a hidden talent but don't know it because they have had no opportunity to pick up an instrument! We are grateful to share music with others and hope to influence young people to try it out themselves!


is the first born of the family. She is 22. Although she no longer plays in our band, we cannot leave her out! Shannon was our lead singer and guitarist, we couldn't have begun Chords of Grace without her. She has a chronic illness now that keeps her from music, but she is one of our biggest cheerleaders! We are grateful for her and look forward to seeing how the Lord uses the trials in her life to glorify Himself. Shannon has a small business where she sells her beautiful water colors. Check it out at Shannon currently has her 2025 calendars for sale, they are an excellent Christmas gift. You can purchase them here:



is 20. She is our mando/fiddle player along with singing both lead and harmonies. She loves studying, flying, music and babies! Emily has completed her doula certification and is now taking  clients! You can find Emily's doula practice on Instagram @heart_of_service_doula  


Emily recently got her pilot's license and loves taking friends and families up fo flights. And to fund this effort, she works for her dad at his law firm. Along with these exciting challenges, Emily also teaches violin. She's a very busy girl! Emily and her two younger siblings provide the music for our church, which has been an answer to prayer for their parents. The years of practice have paid off as they see their children serving in this way.



is 18 years old. He is our amazing leader, with perfect pitch and the ability to play pretty much anything he gets his hands on. He is also humble, recognizing that any gifts he has come directly from his Heavenly Father. In 2022 Daniel won the Texas State Banjo Championship, making him the top banjo player in the state! Later that year he took 5th at the national level. He was just shy of 16 at that point. 


Daniel is currently working on a degree in business. He is also an apprentice at Musical Arts Center of San Antonio where he has several piano students. Along with this he teaches at Hearts Home Acoustics where he and his siblings got their start with many of their instruments. 


Daniel is the one you can always turn to for a smile...he was born to be on stage! Here are a few links to enjoy:



is 16. Although she is the youngest, she often has the most to say. She is outgoing and talkative and super fun to be around. Molly has had multiple opportunities to learn instruments, starting at age 4 on violin, then 6 on piano. When her family decided to form a bluegrass band, it only made sense to have the smallest person play the largest instrument, upright bass! But as she has journeyed forward musically, she has come to love cello the best. It is the combination of Molly's cello and Emily's violin that you often hear an Irish or Scottish sound in the music of Chords of Grace. Aside from music, Molly loves to write and is currently working on a book. She is also an accomplished artistenjoys our two pups and numerous chickens, and anying else nature related. She can also quote about a million movie lines! She is the care-giver of the family, you can count on her to come encourage you if you are feeling down.

"Shout for joy in the Lord, O you righteous! Praise befits the upright. Give thanks to the Lord with the lyre; make melody to him with the harp of ten strings! Sing to him a new song; play skillfully on the strings, with loud shouts. For the word of the Lord is upright, and all his work is done in faithfulness." Psalm 33:1-4

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